The Golden Basket
This locally owned diner creates delicious, homey breakfast and lunch items that make you feel comfort in every bite.
The results:
Increase in engagement by 7%
Website clicks increase by 367%
Leads generated increased by 250%
Impressions generated: 20K+ monthly
The breakdown:
Google/Yelp/Trip Advisor SEO Updates • Social Media Management • Account Management • Google/Yelp Ad Campaigns • Content Creation
Most Viewed: 4K
Make an impression with delicious dishes
A significant amount of engagement was through saves meaning the audience saved the video for later to visit.
Most Saves: 603
Most Liked: 500
Updated Search Engines and Apps with SEO Copy & New Imagry
Updated Search Engines and Apps with SEO Copy & New Imagry •
Why it matters:
Review responses to encourage repeat visits • Updated information to use SEO language for more visibility • Generates content
Captured Eye Catching Content
New designs & promotions
New designs & promotions
Creating an alternating specials menu created excitement around new dishes and enticed new and revisiting customers to come in